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Volleyball Rules: A Guide to the Popular Team Sport

Volleyball Rules: A Guide to the Popular Team Sport
Photo: Xllaa

Volleyball Court and Equipment

A volleyball court measures 18m x 9m and has a net in the middle that divides it into two halves. The height of the net is 2.43m for men and 2.24m for women. Each team consists of six players, with three in the front row and three in the back row at all times. Volleyball players must use a ball made of leather or synthetic material and shaped like a sphere.

Volleyball Scoring System

A rally scoring system is used in volleyball, meaning that each rally results in a point for the winning team, regardless of who served the ball. A game is won by the first team to reach 25 points, with a minimum lead of two points. If both teams reach 24 points, the game continues until one team has a two-point advantage.

Volleyball Serving

The serving team starts each play, known as a “rally”. The server must stand behind the end line and hit the ball over the net into the opponent’s court. A fault occurs if the server steps on or across the end line while serving, if the serve goes out of bounds, or if the ball touches the net on its way over.

Playing the Ball

Each team has three touches to return the ball over the net and into the opponent’s court. A team must not touch the ball twice in a row. If the ball touches a player’s body, it counts as one of the three touches. If a player contacts the ball illegally, such as with a lifted or carried ball, the rally is over, and the other team wins the point.

Volleyball Rotations

In volleyball, teams rotate positions every time they win the serve or after the other team scores a point. Teams rotate clockwise, with the player in the right back position moving to the right front, the player in the right front moving to the left front, and so on. The goal of the rotation is to ensure that all players have the opportunity to play in each position and to allow for strategic decisions based on the current situation in the game.

In conclusion, volleyball is a fast-paced, exciting sport that requires teamwork, communication, and quick reflexes. By understanding the basic rules of the game, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful volleyball player. So grab your team and hit the court!

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