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In what ways do indoor volleyball and beach volleyball differ?

In what ways do indoor volleyball and beach volleyball differ?
Photo: Xllaa

Indoor volleyball and beach volleyball are two different versions of the same sport, with distinct rules and playing environments. Indoor and beach volleyball share the same objective, but differ significantly in gameplay, surface, ball, and rules. Here are five main ways that the two versions of volleyball differ.

Playing surface

Indoor volleyball is played on a hardwood or synthetic court that measures 18 meters long and 9 meters wide, with a net height of 2.43 meters for men and 2.24 meters for women. Players play beach volleyball on a sand court measuring 16 meters in length and 8 meters in width, with a net height of 2.43 meters.

Team size

Indoor volleyball teams comprise six players, while beach volleyball teams consist of two players. In indoor volleyball, each team has three front-row players and three back-row players, and players can substitute in and out of the game at any time. In beach volleyball, both players must play in the front and back rows throughout the game, with no substitutions.

Scoring system

Both indoor and beach volleyball use rally point scoring, where the team that wins the rally scores a point. However, the scoring system differs between the two versions. In indoor volleyball, teams play each set to 25 points and must win by two points. Teams play the fifth set of indoor volleyball to 15 points. In beach volleyball, teams play each set to 21 points and must win by two points. Teams play the third set of the match to 15 points.


Indoor and beach volleyball use different types of balls. Indoor volleyball uses a heavier, leather or synthetic ball weighing 260-280 grams with a circumference of 65-67 cm. Beach volleyball uses a lighter, synthetic leather ball weighing 260-280 grams with a circumference of 66-68 cm.

Tactics and gameplay

The playing style and tactics used in indoor and beach volleyball also differ. Indoor volleyball prioritizes power, speed, and specialized positions, such as blocking, spiking, and setting. Beach volleyball, on the other hand, requires more versatility and all-around skills, as players have to cover the entire court and adjust to the changing conditions of the sand. Beach volleyball requires strategic play due to variables like wind, sun, and sand conditions that players must consider.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on In what ways do indoor volleyball and beach volleyball differ?

What is the main difference between indoor volleyball and beach volleyball?

The main difference between indoor volleyball and beach volleyball is the playing environment. Indoor volleyball is played on a hardwood or synthetic court, while beach volleyball is played on a sand court.

How many players are on a team in indoor and beach volleyball?

Indoor volleyball teams consist of six players, while beach volleyball teams consist of two players.

What is the scoring system in indoor and beach volleyball?

Both indoor and beach volleyball use the rally point system, where a point is scored by the team that wins the rally. However, the scoring system differs between the two versions. In indoor volleyball, each set is played to 25 points, while in beach volleyball, each set is played to 21 points.

What type of ball is used in indoor and beach volleyball?

Indoor volleyball uses a heavier, leather or synthetic ball, while beach volleyball uses a lighter, softer, and slightly larger ball made of synthetic leather.

What are the gameplay tactics in indoor and beach volleyball?

Indoor volleyball is generally more focused on power and speed, with players specializing in specific positions and skills, such as blocking, spiking, and setting. Beach volleyball requires more versatility and all-around skills, as players have to cover the entire court and adjust to the changing conditions of the sand. Beach volleyball also requires more strategic and tactical play, as players must take into account factors such as wind, sun, and sand conditions.


In conclusion, indoor volleyball and beach volleyball may share the same objective, but they are different versions of the same sport. Surface, team size, scoring, ball, and gameplay are significant differences that distinguish indoor and beach volleyball. Indoor and beach volleyball offer excitement, skill, and strategy in their own unique ways.

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